The new Curriculum for Wales will be statutory from September 2022.
The new curriculum will group subjects into 6 Areas of Learning:
Languages, Literacy and Communication
Mathematics and Numeracy
Expressive Arts
Health and Wellbeing
Science and Technology
Foundation Phase
The Foundation Phase is the statutory curriculum for all 3 to seven-year-olds in Wales until September 2022.
It encourages children to be creative, imaginative and makes learning more enjoyable and effective.
Children are given opportunities to explore the world around them and understand how things work by taking part in practical activities relevant to their developmental stage.
They are challenged to develop their thinking with open-ended questions and encouraged to explore concepts and share ideas for solving problems.
The Foundation Phase has seven Areas of Learning which are delivered through practical activities and active learning experiences both indoors and outdoors.
All pupils are taught:
- Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity
- Mathematical Development
- Welsh Language Development
- Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Physical Development
- Creative Development
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 is the legal term for the four years of schooling in maintained schools in Wales normally known as Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 when pupils are aged between 7 and 11.
All pupils in the Key Stage 2 are taught:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Welsh
- Information and Communication Technology
- Design Technology
- History
- Geography
- Art and Design
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Personal and Social Education
Teachers in both stages work as a whole staff on learning and teaching developments, ensuring shared ethos and consistency of practice. This allows our children to continually extend their learning across all areas of the curriculum.
Transition between the stages within our school provides our children with a feeling of security and knowledge of their surroundings. We also work hard to establish good pre-school links and to prepare our oldest children for their transition to secondary school.