Curriculum for Wales Policy – this information includes our values, vision, our curriculum rationale and what each of the Areas of Learning and Experiences (AOLEs) look like here at Ysgol Llandrillo yn Rhos. School Improvement


Safeguarding. Antibullying Policy Behaviour Policy Complaints Privacy Notice Curriculum Policy Careers and Work Related Experiences Policy (CWRE)

Breakfast Club

We are sorry but there is an error with the form for week commencing Monday 7th June. Those that have booked already please be assured your child’s place has been booked.  If you have not booked for next week,  please register your child with the Breakfast Club staff on Monday or contact the office on […]

Become a Pupil

School Admissions are handled by the Admissions Officer at Education Services in Conwy County Borough Council. Telephone 01492 575592. Full details, including the Conwy Admissions Policy are available on the CCBC website:  Admission forms are available from the school or via the Conwy website in the autumn term and must be returned by December 18th. […]

Music at Llandrillo

Music and song are a powerful and unique form of communication that change the way we feel, speak and act. Children are given opportunity to gain delight, enjoyment and satisfaction from music. Our teaching promotes pupils’ ability to listen to and appreciate a wide variety of music, as well as to make judgements about musical […]

Art at Llandrillo

We are fortunate to have a dedicated Art, Design and Technology teacher at Ysgol Llandrillo-Yn-Rhos, Mrs Amy Bowden. Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination providing visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world. Our children explore the work of artists, craftspeople and designers, learning about the […]

Year 1E

Hello, I am Mrs Evans and as well as teaching in Year 1, I run the Art club on Wednesdays. Welcome to 1E’s webpage for 2018 – 2019 In Autumn 1 we will be covering the topic ‘Wriggle and Crawl’. 1E will go on minibeast hunts in forest school, we will classify bugs, read about them, […]