The address for Ysgol Llandrillo Yn Rhos is Elwy Road, Rhos on Sea, LL28 4LX. The office telephone number is 01492 549648. Our e-mail address is
How much do school dinners cost?
The school meals are prepared on site and are free for all children. Menus are available on the Conwy website or available on request.
Parents of pupils with dietary requirements are requested to inform the school prior to the child starting to have school dinners.
Who should I contact if I have a complaint or a concern
Although we strive to maintain a happy, open-door atmosphere at school, regrettably, complaints and concerns do sometimes arise.
Should you have a complaint, your first port of call should be your class teacher. However the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher are available for more formal complaints should they occur.
In accordance with the Education Reform Act 1988 we have established a three stage complaints procedure in relation to a broad and balanced curriculum, religious education and collective worship, implementation of the National Curriculum, exceptions or withdrawals from the National Curriculum, the operation of a charging policy and the provision of information.
A copy of the school’s Complaints Policy can be provided on request.
I want to take a family holiday during term time. Can I?
In term time, parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw pupils for holidays. Each request for holiday absence will be considered individually and will only be granted at the discretion of the headteacher under exceptional circumstances.
Schools will take into account the age of the child, the time of year proposed for the trip, the nature of the trip and the overall attendance pattern. Pupils with attendance of less than 96% will not be given permission to take holidays during school time.
What should I do if my child is unable to attend school?
Regular attendance is essential if your child’s progress is to be maintained.
Should your child be absent at any time please phone in on the first morning of absence and send an explanatory note on your child’s return to school. Any absences not explained will be recorded as unauthorised. In the case of infectious disease, these should be notified as soon as possible. For a dental/medical appointment please inform the teacher by letter and arrange to collect the child from school.
How are children disciplined at Ysgol Llandrillo-Yn-Rhos?
We want every member of our school to feel valued and respected and for all persons to be treated fairly. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect.
We want our children to develop a clear view of right from wrong and to feel safe, secure and valued. Good behaviour is of great importance to us.
Pupils are disciplined using our Positive Behaviour Policy. Our school values have been decided upon by the stakeholders of the school and include, ‘show kindness’, ‘care for each other’, ‘be respectful’, ‘have good listening’ and ‘do your best’. Pupils are frequently reminded of these by all staff at appropriate times. Everyday misdemeanours are dealt with by the staff. More anti-social behaviour is reported to the headteacher and parents contacted if necessary.
The school’s Positive Behaviour Policy is available from the headteacher. The school’s anti-bullying policy can also be accessed through the school website.
I want my child to become a pupil, how do I apply?
Conwy County Borough Council, as the Local Education Authority, decides the criteria and procedure for admissions to Ysgol Llandrillo-Yn-Rhos. The LEA will comply with statutory requirements and will give full recognition to the expression of parental preference in the context of its duty to ensure the provision if efficient education and the efficient use of education resources.
The LEA will not refuse applicants for a particular school unless that school has reached its standard number for admissions, that being the number a school can admit in any one year.
The LEA will admit pupils up to the Standard Number of each school, or up to any higher limit which may have been agreed between the County Borough and a particular governing body.
The LEA will only admit pupils in excess of the Standard Number where it is deemed not to be prejudicial to the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources.
Any families who are newly moved to the area or who want to transfer their child from another school should contact Conwy County to enquire about possible spaces.
Nursery Education
The Authority will admit a child to a maintained nursery school in the September following their 3rd birthday. Nursery schooling is provided on the basis of 5 x 2.5 hour sessions per week.
Though every effort will be made to meet a parental preference, nursery education is not statutory and parents have no right of appeal if they are unsuccessful in gaining a nursery place.
Admission to Reception
The Authority will admit a child to a maintained school in the September following their 4th birthday. All applications are processed through the LEA.
What childcare is on offer at Ysgol Llandrillo-Yn-Rhos?
We run two free breakfast clubs every school day morning from 8.00am. The infant breakfast club is in the infant hall and the junior club is in the junior hall. All children are welcome but we do ask that children are dropped off before 8.30am.
We also run an after-school club every day until 6pm. (see Daycare information)
We offer three sessions, 3.15pm until 4.30pm, 3.15pm until 5.30pm and 3.15pm until 6pm. However there is a charge for this facility. Please ask for a price list if you are interested.
Childcare is also available during the holidays at Ysgol Llandrillo-Yn-Rhos thanks to our popular holiday club. There is also a charge for this service.
We also offer Wrap Around care for the children in the nursery class between 9am and 3.15pm.