Hello, I am Mrs Evans and as well as teaching in Year 1, I run the Art club on Wednesdays.
Welcome to 1E’s webpage for 2018 – 2019
In Autumn 1 we will be covering the topic ‘Wriggle and Crawl’. 1E will go on minibeast hunts in forest school, we will classify bugs, read about them, and create our own. We might even have an ‘Ugly Bug Ball’.
Take a look at our topic flyer to find out more.
In Autumn 2 we will continue with ‘Wriggle and Crawl’ but will then begin to cover our ‘Christmas’ topic.
We get the chance to read and write about Christmas time, and the meaning of Christmas. We will also start practicing for the Christmas show!! Expect lots of glitter!
In Spring 1 we cover the topic of ‘Land Ahoy’ and our work surrounds pirates… ARGHHH!!
We learn lots about the history of pirates, we learn pirate songs, and we also cook hard tack… they’re salty pirate biscuits.
We also go to the RNLI Life Boat Station. We look at all of the life boats and talk to real life guards.